Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

Manly back packers

Manly beach sebuah pantai yang ada di Australia. Berikut petikannya yang didapat dari internet :

Manly Beach is one of the finest beaches in the Sydney area. Its considered to be the jewel of the north shore beaches by many people, locals as well as tourists. Manly is located on a narrow peninsula, surrounded on three sides by water, it offers both harbour and ocean beaches. Few cities in the world can boast the pristine waterfronts and paradisiacal climate that Sydney offers.

Untuk pergi kesana harap dipersiapkan segala keperluan jangan sampai ada yang tertinggal seperti siapkan manly beach accommodation agar sampai disana tidak pusing lagi. Manly beach accommodation bisa saja kan dipesan jauh-jauh hari dengan menelefon hotelnya.

Rabu, 17 Juni 2009

Melbourne plumbers

Melbourne plumbers adalah sebuah perusahaan yang begerak di bidang emergency plumbers dan mempunyai kantor di kota melbourne. Mungkin saat ini peruhaan melbourne plumbers banyak juga yang berada di kota melbourne.

Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang emergency plumbers ini sebaiknya juga setelah mempunyai website mencoba memasang iklan di internet, misalnya bisa pakai google adwords. Dengan google adwords otomatis iklan bisa keluar sesuai kata kunci yang ingin di target misal nya hot water services sehingga mungkin bisa menaikan pendapatan untuk perusahaan tersebut.

Selain tehnik seo yang diterapkan untu website melbourne plumbers tersebut sebaiknya diterapkan juga tehnik internet marketing agar promosi di internet lebih gencar dan banyak orang yang tahu tentang produk perusahaan plumbers tersebut :)

Kamis, 28 Mei 2009

Website design untuk toko online

Cari-cari di internet perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang website design rada lumayan susah, sebenarnya gampang sih cuman yang harganya murmer rada kerepotan juga nyari-nyarinya. Rata-rata harga jasa website design untuk toko online di atas 1jtan, muter-muter ahirnya nemu juga yah dibawah harga 1jt.

Toko onlinenya dibuat menggunakan joomla dan virtuemart. Dan harganya pas lah buat kantong kita-kita hehe... So ahirnya pengerjaan pun cepat dan selesai lah toko online saya. Toko online kerudung ini memasarkan produk kerudung shasmira.

Makanya lagi coba-coba peluang usaha di bidang kerudung, dan pilihan jatuh pada kerudung shasmira. Mudah-mudahan jualannya lancar dan banyak yang beli :D

Senin, 13 April 2009

Website design Australia

Creativejunction adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang graphic design, berkantor di Melbourne, Australia. Bidang wsaha Creativejunction tidak hanya graphic design tetapi juga logo designer dan website design. Creativejunction membantu mengelola seluruh proses desain untuk membuat bisnis Anda lebih menonjol.

Creativejunction menciptakan dan mengembangkan semua aspek print design, website design, advertising design dan advertising. Kami mengambil 'marketing consultant' pendekatan untuk menunjukkan cara itu semua terhubung ke bisnis Anda memberikan suatu strategi pemasaran.

Creativejunction selain profesional juga merupakan anggota dari Australian Graphic Design Association (AGDA). Persaingan dari para perusahaan graphic designer membuat Creativejunction sangat unik dari segi disain, lihat saja situsnya yang seperti nya enak dipandang mata.

Saat ini Creativejunction mempunyai page ranking 4, wow suatu page ranking yang lumayan tinggi. Dan index di google sudah 200an sedangkan index di yahoo sekitar 1000an lebih.

Rabu, 11 Maret 2009

Perusahaan advertising design semakin banyak dibutuhkan

Saat ini perusahaan advertising design semakin banyak dibutuhkan, karena sepertinya perusahaan lebih mudah membayar perusahan design dari pada harus membikin konsep design sendiri. Perusahaan advertising design dibutuhkan untuk membuat konsep, design sampai dengan mencetak hasil akhir design.

Salah satu perusahaan yang begerak dalam bidang design men design adalah creativejunction, produk dan jasa nya adalah seputar masalah design seperti business printing atau percetakan kali yah kalo di indonesianya, kemudian membikin atau membuat brosur atau brochure design.

Karen semakin ketatnya di bisnis jasa design inilah maka media internet mesti buat sebagai media promosi juga, apabila punya website mesti kita optimalkan, seperti creativejunction dalam hal ini brand identity mereka di internet sudah sedikit keliatan karena muncul di mesin pencari. Dengan media internet brand development suatu perusahaan bisa naek dan omset juga mengikuti.

Bukan begitu? bukan!

Senin, 09 Februari 2009

5 Secrets of Strategic Designers

The background of this article stems from my interest in how Strategic Industrial Design forms the backbone of thinking in the very best designers in our field. Therefore I have been quietly spending some time studying and observing strategic designers and their “modus operandi”. In the process, I have been fortunate to meet, attend lectures, interact and share ideas with such talented strategic designers and design leaders.

These 5 secrets of Strategic Designers have been derived from some of my conclusions, and I would like to now share this with you.

Image: The Pathway of Strategic Designers

In general, I believe Strategic Designers have a very unique approach to things, especially in regard to the design process. The strategic designers’ pathway around the design process oscillates from a “bird’s eye” view of things to a “telescopic” focused one and then back up to a “bird’s eye” view again. Rinse and repeat. This constant momentum allows them to keep on reframing the tasks or design problems at hand. The ability to “Zoom” in and out (and not get dizzy!) is an important over arching skill that strategic designer have.
So who wants to be a Strategic Designer? Let’s now dig a little deeper to find out how:

1) They are great Zoomers!
We have already touched briefly on this first secret. It is aptly put as the first point as it’s the most important. The ability to engage in big picture thinking and yet still be details orientated is what I like to call “Zooming”, and its people “Zoomers”.

Strategic Designers have this ability to look at situations or design problems from many different angles, think through different solutions, and finally reframe the answer at high and detailed levels.
This reframing ability requires a lot of skill. The key ingredient in reframing problems is the all important ability to wear many hats and speak the many different languages of business, marketing, design, engineering and manufacturing etc.
Remember all the times you bitched and moaned about how Industrial Designers are “jacks of all trades and masters of none”? Well now you know where to start!

2) They know the design process like the back of their hand.
Strategic Designers are experts of the design process. They know it so well that they can “swim” in it, mould it and control it. The ability to have ultimate control over the design process means that they can ensure that the strategic objectives are achieved or at least maintained.
Strategic Designers also know that in order to manage the chaos, design can sometimes be, a strong process is the key. Designs cannot be conceived in a vacuum, but I like to add, Design cannot be executed without a strong process. The best strategic designers all work with a strong and efficient design process, some processes are personal, but most are part of an organizational system.
Learn it, live it and love it. Look to the process, it will guide you.

3) They are able to do everything.
I’ve never met Strategic Designers or leaders who were not designers first or did not cut his/her teeth in the design trenches. Being designers first, they are able to do everything a designer can, and perhaps more, because of their connection to the wider view and their ability to reframe.
The problem is that because of their focus in design strategy and management they do tend to get rusty, in fact very rusty with the technical design stuff. Therefore it is very advisable for Strategic Designers to keep that “designer in you” alive. Personal projects, constant sketching, running design programs are all ways strategic designers use to keep in touch with things.

4) They also know that they don’t have to do everything.
Strategic Designers know the value of a good team and great team work. They also know when to let go and try not to do everything. Letting go is the hardest, but they know where their value lies and when they can add this value in the design process.
Therein lies a sad truth with Strategic Designers, they are always almost part of a team and rarely individuals. It looks to me almost impossible to walk the path of a Strategic Designer and also manage the design process at the same time.

5) There is “no job too big or too small”.
The interesting thing about Strategic Designers is that their ability is scalable. No problem too big or too small. Strategic Design can be about the smallest thing and also about the biggest. You don’t have to be running multi-million dollar programs to be strategic; you can also be strategic with small meaningful solutions.
Strategic design is about an approach or a process of design. Like any process once you get it right it can applicable on many levels and in many situations.


So what do you think? Do my observations make sense? I love to hear what you think and please do not hesitate to leave your comments; I look forward to reading them.

article from here

Jumat, 23 Januari 2009

Brochure Design Tips and design tips and tricks

White space is good

The temptation to fill up “the empty space may win out over good graphic design practices. It may not seem obvious, though it can be tempting to add extraneous messages in your advertisement, ultimately drawing the reader’s attention away from your primary message. The result is a crowded ad design, lessening its visual impact.

There’s no doubt that advertising space is expensive regardless of the vehicle used; billboard, newsprint, or magazine advertising. For that matter, many businesses find it hard paying fora professional graphic designer when ad space costs so much. For that reason, a professionally designed ad will help ensure a better return on your advertising investment.

As a frugal business person, it’s hard not to fill up that valuable ad space. Resist the temptation. Make the most of your advertising investment by using “white space” wisely. Don’t drown out your primary message with”visual noise”. Keep it simple and clean.
Do your research

Do some research by performing a survey of what really concerns your customers. It’s not always price. There are many ways to do marketing research, though you may want to begin by visiting a Blog or threaded discussion whose topic is your product or service. Query folks. Ask them questions. Offer advice. Or better yet, create your own Blogand promote it as a way to better serve your clients.

Blogs are a great way to increase your “link popularity” and ultimately your Google “Page Rank”. Page Rank is a deciding method that Google uses which will increase your chance of ranking higher in Search Engines.
Why so many questions?

When you decide to go ahead and hire a graphic designer, he/she should ask you a lot of questions. If they don’t, don’t hire them. Not only does a lack of questions show their inexperience, but also a lack of interest in your business. When the graphic designer asks questions about the way you do business , you can be sure that the graphic designer has advertising savvy. Creating a clever graphic design for your business should always be balanced with the need for common sense marketing.
Not just another widget maker…

Your company may seem like “just another widget maker”to a newbie designer, but in reality everyone runs their business differently. The benefits your customers have come to expect from doing business with you may not be so apparent to a prospective customer. So, an experienced graphic designer will find out what your strengths are and make them visual .

Brochure Design Tips

There are many different types of folds available by modern printing machines.



Advertising Techniques

1. Internet Advertising Techniques

Do understand the most powerful advertising technique on the Internet is showing up in organic search results (ideally first page, in the first three results).

Do understand that Wordtracker.com is currently your best tool along with Pay Per Click suggestion tools (from Google, etc) to discover which search terms get the most search volume.

Getting in organic search engine results is hard, but the best quick checklist to help you get there is the Vaughn’s list: http://www.vaughns-1-pagers.com/internet/google-ranking-factors.htm

Do understand that Pay Per Click search ads provide your next best set of Internet advertising techniques after organic search engine placement.

Do understand that text links almost always outperform banner ads as advertising techniques because they look more like content and people are used to clicking on content (text links) far more than ads.

Do understand that Internet display ads perform best with flash animation, motion, or video.

Do understand the eye reads top left to bottom right and that impacts your click-through rate depending on where your text links or display ads are on the page.

Do understand that the page upon which the consumer clicks is just as important than the ad or link that got them there.

Do understand that improving or optimizing your own pages and your own site has more impact than optimizing your advertising techniques in text links or display ads.

Don’t underestimate the importance of this sentence above.

Don’t assume that just because you built a website people will visit it.

Don’t underestimate the power of words: You, your, asking a question, amazing, discover, now are all proven “power” words that produce far higher response. See more on this down below.

2. Direct Mail Advertising Techniques

Do use a stamp vs. a bulk mail endicia – Open rate on envelopes with physical stamps is 13% higher.

Do make your letter look like newsworthy content – Content gets read, not advertising.

Do attach news articles blown up to fit on 8 ?” x 11” paper as an attachment to your direct mail piece.

If you are using a card vs. letter, use 6” x 9’ stock or larger.

Do not use any “special offer inside” language on your envelope or “hey look at me” advertising techniques when using a letter envelope.

Do not use an adhesive address label unless it’s a label from Stamps.com or endicia.com.

Do not use an 8 ?” x 11” letter in B2B direct mail, but do use A4 or executive sized stationary – higher read rate and higher response rate vs. full sheet letter.

3. Writing as Advertising Techniques

Note: this applies to anything to do with Direct marketing, Internet marketing, even memos to your boss.

Do understand that the use of certain words are power words which produce results.

Do use present tense – better response than past tense.

Do use the word “you” or “your” far more than “I” “me” or “we.”

Do use words like these in your writing or advertising techniques which produce demonstrated higher response rates:

  • You
  • Your
  • Now
  • Discover
  • This
  • These
  • Amazing

Do understand that asking a question with the word you in it is one of the best ever advertising techniques.

Don’t, however, ask a question where the answer can easily be “no, and I don’t care.”

4. TV Advertising Techniques

Do use TV as a way to legitimize your brand, launch your brand, or reposition your brand. When used prudently and selectively, it can be one of the best advertising techniques depending on your situation.

Do investigate buying “remnant” TV media and making opportunistic buys for a fraction of retail prices.

Do make sure your TV spot looks like nothing else on TV (in order to stand out).

Do make sure you have a compelling offer, and a compelling newsworthy announcement.

Do pay special attention to audio in your TV spot…recall of ads with music in the ad (not background music) produces higher recall and captures more attention.

If you have people in your TV spots, do make sure to have them with their eyes looking right in the camera…the stopping power and attention rates are higher with ads that have people looking at you directly in the eye.

Do have a response medium (website, telephone number, SMS number, etc). If you don’t, it could be one of your worst advertising techniques.

Do understand that for response, early AM and late evening produce higher response rates (if someone is up at those hours, they often have nothing else going on and are paying more attention than normal).

Do understand that the creative that you put into the costly media of TV makes all the difference in the world. A bad TV spot in good TV media can be one of the worst advertising techniques.

So: do test your TV creative on the Internet before putting it on TV…or test at small levels before putting on untested TV creative in large media buys.

Do understand one of the cardinal rules of TV creative: see and say. See the product when the words are said. P.S. don’t forget to show the actual product. See and say in TV is one of the most basic, but often forgotten TV advertising techniques.

Do understand that likeability of ads (plus the offer) produces the highest correlation to sales.

Do understand the basics of targeting, but index the cost per thousand impressions (CPM) with the index of propensity to buy your type of product/service (e.g. a TV show with an index of 180 for buying laptops @ $20 CPM is actually more expensive than a TV show with an 130 index @ $10 CPM).

Don’t always do what you like…let the numbers dictate.

Don’t accept mediocrity in your TV creative. Mediocre TV spots in costly TV media, is the most common blunder in all advertising techniques.

5. Public Relations as one of the “Earned” Advertising Techniques

Do understand that Public Relations is fundamentally different than advertising. PR is not necessarily in the genre of advertising techniques, but on average PR is 6X more powerful because people pay attention to content 6X more than advertising (that’s starting at 500% higher ROI).

The four keys to PR are the following:

  1. 1. A great story: see the chapter in my book for the five most frequently written news stories in America.
  2. 1. A great headline: consumers read headlines 19X more than body copy and the same is true for reporters you are pitching. Also know that the first 8 characters in your headline are more important than ever because a reporter only sees the first 8 characters in their Blackberry. Headlines are 19X more powerful than body copy—you should spend 19X more time working on the headline. Headlines should be less than 11 words.
  3. 1. A great database: contrary to popular belief, it’s not who you know, but if you have a great story. Even if you know the editor of The Wall Street Journal, it means nothing if your story isn’t newsworthy. You need a large database blended between custom and a standard news reporter database. Reporters are everywhere today and so is the Internet. All reporters want great stories…you need a database not necessarily a chummy rolodex.
  4. 1. Luck: yes. Reporters have 4-7 stories in various stages of development. If you happen to land on their desk when they just finished a story, it’s luck and the law of large numbers when sending/phoning a pitch. Luck is a factor.

Test your pitch much like you would test a direct mail piece using the advertising techniques learned here. Test small, see what responds, and what doesn’t. Find out before you blast a big push which may not work.

And my shameless self-promotion: everyone should know the five most frequently written news media stories in America. These five most frequently written news stories are in my book, Buzzmarketing.

6. Print Advertising Techniques (Newspaper, Magazine, etc)

Do understand that a print ad which looks like an “ad” will fail unless you have an amazing offer (great discount, sale, limited time only). Without an offer, an ad that looks like an “ad” won’t get read.

Do make your ad look like content (use the same font style and layout as the publication) or make your ad look like no other ad in the pub (reference Infiniti print ads from 2005 and Pfizer’s Celebrex print ads from 2007).

Do understand that white space can stop people in their tracks, and produce a higher response rate. One of the greatest advertising techniques is white space.

Do understand that a photograph of a person with their eyes looking directly at you produces a higher response than a photograph of a person with eyes looking elsewhere. Perhaps the most powerful of all advertising techniques in print, or even on the Internet.

Do understand that a print ad with a “Drop Cap” gets read more than without one.

Do understand that ads with lists and bullet points get read more than ads with paragraphs.

Do understand that a photograph’s caption is extremely important…a good photograph can be the first thing a reader sees, and the caption the second thing they read. If the caption fails, they skip the rest of your ad…if the caption works, your ad gets read. Smart captioning can be of the most effective print advertising techniques.

Do understand that copy in quotations gets read 13% more than without quotations.

Do understand that ads delivering news value get read more than anything else.

Don’t ever use a reverse print ad (black background with white font) it’s hard to read and has proven repeated lower response rates…one of the worst advertising techniques.

7. Radio Advertising Techniques

Do understand that radio advertising works best with high frequency and proper timing.

Do understand that the first five seconds of your radio ad may be the most important…a cell phone and the radio preset button is a moment away from avoiding your ad.

Do understand that you need to say your brand name a lot more often than you would ever imagine in a radio ad (people daydream in their car), and you need to drill your brand name often.

Do understand that reads from DJ’s get more attention because they seem like content from a familiar voice versus a stranger’s voice.

Do understand that one of your most powerful advertising techniques is to produce fresh radio creative every week versus running the same radio spot for more than a week.

Do understand that if it sounds like content, people will listen…if it sounds like an ad…people won’t.

8. Word-Of-Mouth and Buzz as Advertising Techniques

Note that word-of-mouth or buzz is created with pull, not “bought” like print advertising.

Also note that this lost art which was practiced before the advent of Television is more powerful than any other set of advertising techniques (Euro RSCG Study found it 10X more effective than TV or Print advertising).

Do understand that the root of all buzz is a seven-letter word: stories.

The crux of buzzmarketing and word-of-mouth is to give people a great story to tell, which they, in turn, can tell others…and by them telling the story it makes them interesting, fascinating, and newsworthy.

Do not confuse buzz marketing with some other services which pay people to talk about products (still a push technique). Buzz marketing is about creating a pull. Creating a story which gives people social currency. Buzz marketing is about creating a story which pulls a brand along with the story (like my own renaming of Halfway, Oregon to Half.com, Oregon).

What creates a good story can be found in my book or in the free chapter download on this site’s book page.

Buzz marketing happens when people start conversations that begin with “Hey did you hear…” or “Hey, you’re never going to believe…” and then they tell a story which pulls your brand along with that story.

Hope these advertising techniques were helpful.
